Who Encourages You?

The title of this post, is meant to honor Marina (her YouTube); for being the greatest supporter of my journey as a writer.

During this latest pursuit of “Tabula Rasa” 1/2/2024, I’ve unpublished all 290 posts(returned to draft form), except this one.  My self publishing writing journey, began with this blog 12 years ago. Thanks Ash, for encouraging me to begin here, I love the WordPress platform.

I came upon the idea of, “The Platinum Rule“, and was excited with the new perspective; towards healthy reciprocity. I love Marina for her actions, and have never met her; so doing my best to utilize this new philosophy: to show I care.

If you’re new to the world of internet art promotion, the best advice I can give to you, is the advice I give myself:

*Please click on Marina’s links

*Please like her products, posts, etc.; if you’re charmed by her art as I am.

*Please subscribe to her regardless, she’s great.

*If you have a blog, promote other artists, and let your kindness and art; promote you passively.

The next post will be new word play, as I haven’t been blogging regularly for years; and slogging through my old writings can be draining. It will focus on the theory of “spontaneous trait transference” (Gush don’t gossip)”.