Thin Skin U.N.

Fascinating that my thickest skin is the one I use to interact with the world. My fingertips are sensitive yes, but like the pads of my feet; they are callused. Is this why we as humans are capable of awful?

How would I interact with the world, if my primary point of physical contact, was the thinnest skin of my eyelids? Butterfly kisses are underestimated.

This is the start of a letter to the United Nations. The initiation of new international holidays, for a sense of shared humanity.

Let’s celebrate what makes us human. Sex day. Tickle day. Listening day. Butterfly kisses in moonlight night, as the two days book-casing that moon.

Making day as a celebration of shared creativity….Maybe scheduled months apart from Sex day, for clarity of celebratory purpose?

Been working on my sense of awe. I want some. Some awe. Not too much as that gets overwhelming, the sisters of anxiety and excitement in a shouting match.

What’s it called when you tamp down your glee for others? Boring? Compassionate, but also enabling. Frustrating.

I wish there was a banner floating over my head that would paint my motivations. A neon sign that would shift with my mood. That would be raw and rad. Then I could act as I see fit with full transparency, and not care as much how other people react.

I like seeking awe for myself, because it’s a train others can choose to ride with me, deciding for themselves whether they deem it relevant.

I know I’m not a peanut butter sandwich. I’m more like a bacon wrapped banana peanut butter sandwich, with a potato chip tossed in haphazardly for extra crunch. Seeking people who like texture.

My new practice of rekindling the awe in simple things is rewarding. I love that it becomes gratitude for the things I didn’t create. Someone spent their lifetime inventing the machine that makes my clothes clean, with little effort by me. That’s some awe. I’m thankful for that.

International Finding Some Awe To Be Thankful For Day.

The needs of applying my taxes to the arms race, must be a depressing focus. Please hold a convention to decide on new international holidays, dedicated to unification.

