A Huge Box At The Threshold

a majority of the things

that posses me

will be thrown into this box

locked into layaway

so the space inhabited by me

will be free

from cluttered stacks of boxed books

to projects mid-swing

excited for the reoccurring debt loop

building collateral momentum

wheels attached for maintaining my flow

shiny and new

fitting into little boxes is difficult

outfits more fun

kits caboodle kipple commodities shop tools

twenty foot sheltered

a living room fresh for living

yard worth sharing

a giant lock box on wheels

hopefully sometime tuesday

the healthy loan will go through

dreaming of space

empty of possessions that stifle

anticipating creative room

freshly painted walls without picture silhouettes

bookcases everywhere tall

chairs made from epoxied tomes stacked

bicycle parking improvements

a bigger nightstand made by me

to awake to

grounded outlets instead of two prongs

more than now

voiding the environment of my operations

stations for tasks

organizing while giving away the copious

evidence of divorce